Heart disease refers to any problem affecting the heart, such as coronary artery disease, arrhythmia, and heart failure. Lifestyle choices can prevent many of these conditions, and medication can help manage them if they occur.

It develops when the arteries that supply blood to the heart become clogged with plaque. This causes them to harden and narrow. Plaque contains cholesterol and other substances.As a result, the blood supply reduces, and the heart receives less oxygen and fewer nutrients. In time, the heart muscle weakens, and there is a risk of heart failure and arrhythmias.When plaque builds up in the arteries, it is called atherosclerosis. Plaque in the arteries can rupture from blockages and cause blood flow to stop, which can lead to a heart attack.


I have the best solution for you with proven result

--NORMATONE--Normatone is the most effective blood pressure support in Europe, Uganda, Nigeria and other Countries.Normatone is developed specifically for treatment of blood pressure.It cleanses your whole blood vessels and removes bad cholesterol and impurities from your blood streams and revitalises your whole cardiovascular system providing high support for your heart at all times. As a result, you get to have a stable blood pressure and prevent high tensive crisis and stroke in the future, you get to feel better, sleep better and leave a healthy life.It helps to maintain balanced and healthy blood pressure level.
It helps to restore the elasticity of the blood vessels and support blood pressure in the normal range and promote it's overall cardiovascular health. It is developed from 100 % natural ingredients it does not contain antibiotics at such it doesn't have side effects.
If you choose to use NORMATONE you choose to stay healthy and leave within the normal blood range.

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels. They include:
coronary heart disease – a disease of the blood vessels supplying the heart muscle; cerebrovascular disease – a disease of the blood vessels supplying the brain; peripheral arterial disease – a disease of blood vessels supplying the arms and legs;
rheumatic heart disease – damage to the heart muscle and heart valves from rheumatic fever, caused by streptococcal bacteria;
congenital heart disease – birth defects that affect the normal development and functioning of the heart caused by malformations of the heart structure from birth; and
deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism – blood clots in the leg veins, which can dislodge and move to the heart and lungs.
Heart attacks and strokes are usually acute events and are mainly caused by a blockage that prevents blood from flowing to the heart or brain. The most common reason for this is a build-up of fatty deposits on the inner walls of the blood vessels that supply the heart or brain. Strokes can be caused by bleeding from a blood vessel in the brain or from blood clots.

See what people that have tried our products are saying

My name is Okorie Samson Ebonyi from State, I was diagnosed with heart disease a few years ago. I struggled with medication and lifestyle changes but saw little improvement. Then, a friend introduced me to Normatone Capsules and a detox Tea. Within a few weeks of regularly consuming it, I noticed a significant improvement in my overall health. My blood pressure levels stabilized, and my heart palpitations reduced. I am grateful for this miraculous supplement that played a crucial role in my healing journey.

Testimony 2:I'm John, and I've been battling heart disease for years. Despite following a strict medical regimen, my condition remained challenging. However, my sister recommended trying Natural B carotene Capsules and Norland Healthway Kuding Tea. To my surprise, after incorporating it into my daily routine, I experienced a considerable boost in my energy levels and a reduction in chest pain. It's been a game-changer for my heart health.

Dear Friend,
You may be one of many to have been recently diagnosed of heart disease. You are not alone, many people are in the same condition, you don’t have to accept poor health as it is in your power to change how you live. The pains of heart problems is real and very excruciating. Don’t resign yourself to living in with heart problem, addressing the heart problems now can help avoid complications later.
Heart disease is a common problem affecting about 15% of the world’s population. The heart is one small organ but it’s the basis of life, without it, human has no life. The heart pumps enough blood to deliver a continuous supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the brain and the other vital organs. It is responsible for pumping oxygenated blood to the other body parts, pumping hormones and other vital substances to different parts of the body, receiving deoxygenated blood and carrying metabolic waste products from the body and pumping it to the lungs for oxygenation, and maintaining blood pressure. There various ways in which this vital organ can become damaged. Major risk factors of Cardiovascular disease includes high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, overweight/obesity, smoking, diabetes, physical inactivity and heredity. Uncontrolled cholesterol builds build on the wall of arteries blocking the flow of blood from the heart.NORMATONE is the best solution for heart diseases today.Choose NORMATONE and choose to leave a healthy lifestyle.

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